Digital / Music Off the Record with Laurent Garnier It was ages ago, in 2019, that Laurent Garnier’s team launched the Kickstarter campaign for the documentary “Off the Record”.… January 5, 2024
Digital Spyslide: Webcam cover for smartphone and laptop Cambridge Analytica, WhatsApp metadata, snooping smartphone apps… almost every week there are new incidents involving the ‘oil of the 21st… July 13, 2018
Analogue The Instagram Photo Invasion by Lucas Levitan Instagram would rather be the network that has the beautiful pictures. That’s often true, even if it means overlooking the… October 5, 2017
Digital Retro Adventure Game “Thimbleweed Park” When old people get nostalgic, their sentences start with “I used to love…” or “I still remember well…” I still… June 24, 2017