
Deceleration in comparison: slow Jo versus slow O

August 12, 2016

Smartwatches are a mystery to me! I tried one myself some time ago, but after a few weeks I didn’t see the need for it and sold it again. Naturally, I see things a little differently with regular wristwatches. They are justified by the fact that they can tell the time quickly. Here we are talking about the rather slow kind.

I read at some point that “the wristwatch” is a feature that says something about character in a handshake. The handshake itself is apparently not enough for the person who wrote this. – The statement was more in the direction of luxury watches, which would make a man in his late 30s or older look handsome. I’m in my late 30s now, but I’m not comfortable with an Omega as a status symbol. Even though I almost fell for the product placement scene in Casino Royale. I’m more attracted to smart watches that go in the direction of the Qlocktwo W or slow!

I think I first heard about slow watches about three years ago and didn’t immediately grasp the idea behind them. Then, by chance, I became aware of slow again at the end of last year and was convinced by the slow hand that needs the whole day for one lap!

Basically, my sense of time is pretty good, but when I’m bored or stressed, I might look at my watch every two minutes. Why is that?

It literally screams at you: that’s undoubtedly what this watch was designed for! If you looked at the watch every few minutes, you would quickly notice that nothing was happening. The hand does not move at all! “… leave it alone, Olli, it doesn’t make sense!”

This should also look good with a slow, and the manufacturers offer an extensive portfolio of around 45 watches for this purpose. The original model, the slow Jo 38, is the square version, later followed by the slow Mo 34. The numbers indicate the width of the model, with ’34’ being designed for narrower wrists.

The slow O followed that year and differs from the Jo and Mo in more than just its round case. The recessed crystal and the dial with its attached elements give the watch its own character and a higher quality appearance.

All the models on offer can be customised with additional straps, so you can easily adapt the existing versions to your own liking.

Initially, I bought the slow Jo 03. The plain black model is made entirely of stainless steel and first had to be adjusted in the watch shop to correct the length of the bracelet. Whereby the fit for my wrist is still not perfect, what the heck. Then the watch is supposed to be water-resistant to 100 metres, which doesn’t bother me at all because I don’t wear a watch when I go swimming.

What is somewhat disturbing is the protruding and rounded glass. As a result, the numbers on the dial are somewhat indistinct when viewed from certain angles. But who cares if you don’t want to read the exact time anyway?

slow Jo 03

When the slow O came out, I didn’t have to make any hasty excuses to convince myself to get the O 10. The watch is almost the direct opposite of the Jo. A soft, round body surrounds the dial with highlighted numerals and markers. The crystal is evenly embedded in the body and the weight is half that of the Jo. The O is also available in a heavier version with a metal bracelet.

I don’t prefer any of the watches. It’s really a matter of mood whether or when I wear one. Both have their own merits. Apart from that, there is the possibility of customisation with additional wristbands.

You don’t commit as much as you do with an Omega, so you’re more likely to have two or three of them lying around, even though one can cost 280 euros.

The reactions when I shake hands have been mixed since I started wearing slow watches. People often ask me what’s wrong with the watch. I often answer that it just wasn’t enough for the second hand. Now and then some people recognise the watch and are positively surprised. On the whole, however, there is a lack of understanding as to how one can read the time with it… Maybe I don’t want to?

It starts at 230 euros on the slow website or on Amazon (affiliate link*).

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Hi, I'm Olli, I moved to Hamburg in 2008 and have been working in the media industry there ever since. Before that, I spent many years spinning records in the Northern German club scene and writing for a few, often music-related, magazines. Now, after a break of several years, I'm blogging again and writing from the heart, which I think is a bit awesome.

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